Partnering with QML Pathology allows you to incorporate the industry’s best practices into your staff wellness program.

QML Pathology can offer services and products including:

  • Occupational Risk Testing
  • Pre-employment Checks
  • Wellness Screening

Occupational Risk Testing

QML Pathology is able to assist you in ensuring the health and well-being of your employees, contractors or others under your care through risk assessment and monitoring services.

Our services enable you to manage your risk and comply with your legal requirements as pertains to your staff’s exposure to infectious or hazardous substances.

A sample of the type of hazardous or infectious material testing, or immunisation status testing that we routinely offer employer groups include:

  • COVID PCR Testing
  • Heavy metals (lead, mercury, chromium, zinc etc.)
  • Herbicides
  • Pesticides
  • Asbestosis
  • Q Fever testing
  • Hepatitis testing
  • Tuberculosis testing

Pre-employment Checks

We are able to assist you with your individual organisation’s pre-employment health check program to establish your prospective employee’s readiness to commence work, and to manage your risk going forward.

Your prospective staff are able to attend one of our many walk-in collection centres throughout Queensland and northern New South Wales or alternatively we can arrange for our collection staff to come to you and perform any required collections on-site.

You are able to access a range of our services to manage your risk going forward including:

  • Establish a prospective employee’s pre-existing exposure to hazardous substances (base line testing).
  • Establish a prospective employee’s pre-existing exposure to infectious diseases (such as hepatitis).
  • Establish immunity or confirm vaccination status of prospective employees prior to commencement.
  • Pre-employment drug testing.

Wellness Screening

Increasingly, employer groups are finding that worksite health promotion leads to a more engaged and productive workplace. At QML Pathology we are able to tailor on-site or off-site wellness screening programs. Examples of testing we can perform include:

  • Cholesterol checks
  • Glucose/Diabetes testing
  • Liver Function Tests
  • PSA
  • Thyroid testing

Getting started with us

Getting started with us is easy. To start using QML Pathology as your partner in diagnostics all you need to do is request a quote below.

When you join our pathology as a partner, you benefit from state-of-the-art and scientifically proven analysis.

You’ll also have unparalleled access to a highly qualified technical team made up of the following:

  • Pathologists
  • Scientists
  • Recognised expert witnesses

In fact, partnering with our Pathology will enable you to incorporate the industry’s best practices into your drug and alcohol testing program. This is a particularly important advantage since, through Workplace Health and Safety legislation, employers are responsible for providing a healthy and safe working environment where workplace hazards are quickly identified and managed.

We can assist you in the design, implementation and management of your executive and staff health screening programs.

What’s more, we can offer a range of service and product solutions including:

  • Occupational risk testing
  • Pre-employment checks
  • Wellness Screening and Vaccination Services
  • Life Insurance testing
  • Australian-wide services